Friday, November 23, 2012

Turkey Trot photos are up!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the photo area at the Turkey Trot yesterday!  Thanks especially to Mari Lynn who provided the props and whiteboards which added to the fun!

I posted two sets of photos from the Turkey Trot.

Family Photos


The first are the Family Photos posed with the banner beside the registration pavilion.  They turned out really great!  Unfortunately, the sun and camera flash washed out the writing on a few of the whiteboards.  I'm sorry about that.  Lesson learned:  next year we'll use blackboards!

Family photos on Facebook
These are low-resolution photos with a watermark.  Please feel free to tag the folks in the photos and use as you wish.

Family photos to purchase
These are high-resolution photos without a watermark.  Prints can be ordered online, with a portion of the proceeds being donated to the SMT Turkey Trot.

Race Photos


The second set of photos is of the Turkey Trot race itself.  There are a few photos from the start of the race, and then finish line photos up through about the 39:00 minute mark.

Please be sure to visit HD Photography's website, the official photographer for general Turkey Trot race photos.

Race photos on Facebook
These are low-resolution photos with a watermark.  Please feel free to tag the folks in the photos and use as you wish.

Race photos to purchase
These are high-resolution photos without a watermark.  Prints can be ordered online, with a portion of the proceeds being donated to the SMT Turkey Trot.

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